Enrolment - Year 1 - Year 6 Enrolments


For all Enrolment enquiries please contact:

Melanie Corless -   mcorless@stellamaris.catholic.edu.au


The Holy Trinity Catholic Parish - Point Cook , comprises three schools within the Parish boundary.     The Parish is in a major growth corridor in the Western suburbs of Melbourne and each school has a catchment/containment area (Zone)   

Applications will be considered in the priority order as determined in the Enrolment Policy - Primary

Wednesday 12th June 2024  School Tour.
We will conduct 2 sessions one at 9:15am & 4:00pm

Please click here to register for our School Tour.

1. Application

  • Enrolments for all Year Levels  are open.  
  • Click on this link to start your Application - Enrolment Applications .   Children are eligible for school if they turn five prior to 30 April in the year they attend.   If your child was born 1 May 2017 – 30 April 2018 they are eligible to enrol into a school in 2023.
  • Parents/Carers should complete the online application with all the required documentation.  
    Thers is no application fee for Years 1-6.

2. Interview -  Families may be invited to an enrolment interview with the Principal or Deputy Principal.


3.  Offer -  The offer of a place at any of the Parish Schools will be forwarded to the successful applicant depending upon availability. For Years 1-6  you will be notified shortly after the interview if a place is available.  


4.  Acceptance -  Enrolment Acceptance documentation are to be returned to the School along with $100 enrolment acceptance fee by the due date.  


Enrolment Policy & Explanatory Statement

Enrolment Policy - Primary Schools

MACS Enrolment Procedures

Enrolment Form

Enrolment Agreement

Full Fee Paying Overseas Students (FFPOS) Application Form

Stella Maris Medical Management Information Pack (complete once accepted)

School Fees 2024

Concessional Fees Policy
Concessional Fees Procedures
Concessional Fees Application Form

International Students Fees Schedule - Dependant
International Students Fees Schedule - Temporary Students (maximum 12 weeks)
International Students Fees Schedule - CRICOS

Consent to Transfer Information Form