Learning Communities - One Minute Insights

There's More than One Way to Active Travel

Congratulations to each and every one who has contributed to our successful Active Travel here at Stella Maris. By using our character strengths of Curiosity and Creativity our families have explored new ideas and new ways of doing things that are helpful to ourselves and others. In doing so, our students have experienced some authentic and sustainable connections within our community. Keep trying something new - 'There's more than one way to Active Travel'

There's More than One Way to Active Travel
Winter Chill -The Power of Pause for Kids
Winter Chill -The Power of Pause for Adults
Social Justice in Action
Sports Leaders
`Our Grass has No Class` Competition
New Grass Finale
QkR - New Tuckshop Innovation
Introducing Foundation Community
Introducing Junior Community
Introducing Middle Community
Introducing Senior Community